Buddy the Elf Quotes That Will Put You in a Jolly Mood!

The Christmas classic, ‘Elf’, was released 20 years ago! To celebrate we’re sharing quotes from Buddy the Elf that are sure to get you in the holiday spirit! 

The world was introduced to the iconic Christmas character, Buddy the Elf, on November 7, 2003. Twenty years later, Will Ferrell’s performance as the cheerful elf continues to warm people’s homes and hearts. Buddy’s journey of self-discovery from the North Pole to New York never fails to bring laughter and joy. While his overly enthusiastic attitude about Christmas may confuse others, he always stays true to himself.

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!”

This classic quote holds true once Buddy gets everyone to believe in Santa Claus and saves Christmas! But sometimes, he doesn’t sing at the most appropriate moments.

“SANTA! Oh my God! Santa, here?! I know him! I know him!”

Nothing compares to Buddy’s love for Santa. When the Gimbels store manager announces Santa’s upcoming visit, Buddy immediately bursts into excitement! He even shows off his exclusive relationship with Mr. Claus. But the manager seemed more concerned than impressed.

“I am a cotton-headed ninny muggins!”

Being human is a disadvantage in the North Pole. Buddy works a little slower than the other elves and makes frequent mistakes. He gets a little too hard on himself to the point of using vulgar language to express his frustration.

“You sit on a throne of lies!”

Buddy has just started learning about the “real world,” where flying reindeer and elves don’t exist. You can imagine his surprise when he leaps into the lap of a fake Santa Claus. He exposes the imposter in front of children, even saying he doesn’t smell like Santa; rather, he “smells like beef and cheese.” This confrontation erupts the store into complete chaos!

“You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card.”

Buddy always gives the best compliments through his own love language. He definitely left his father’s co-worker blushing.


“I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite.”

New York City is not especially known for smiles. The Gimbels store manager – who mistakes Buddy for an employee – was confused by his constant smiling but Buddy just has experience spreading happiness and positivity in cold places.

“We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup.”

Buddy is very strict about his diet and knows how to control his savory tooth. He makes a famous spaghetti bowl heavily sprinkled with chocolate syrup, maple syrup, M&Ms, marshmallows, and, of course, paired with a chocolate fudge pop tart. This explains his high energy, sweet personality, and attraction to sticky situations.

“You did it! Congratulations! World’s best cup of coffee!

When Buddy comes across a coffee shop with the slogan “World’s Best Cup of Coffee” he immediately bursts through their door to congratulate the workers on finally cracking the code for making the best coffee. He receives a completely silent and confused reaction, not understanding the shop’s marketing purposes.

“I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!”

Buddy ventured to New York to meet his biological father, expecting a warm and welcoming embrace. However, his father did not reciprocate the love since he didn’t even know who he was. Buddy’s elf outfit leads the people at his father’s work to mistake him for a holiday telegram. Buddy has no problem introducing himself to his father through song. But he gets a little carried away, singing, “I was adopted, but you didn’t know I was born, so I’m here now. And guess what? I love you, I love you, I love you!”

His father responds with, “That was weird.”

“First we’ll make snow angels for 2 hours, and then we’ll go ice skating, and then we’ll eat a whole roll of tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then to finish we’ll snuggle.”

Buddy’s elaborate schedule will definitely get anyone in the Christmas mood!

About the Author

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Hannah Shemtov

Hannah Rose is a senior at Emerson College where she studies broadcast journalism and psychology. She has executive produced multiple television news outlets at her school, and interns at AfterBuzz and the Heal Squad. Originally from Los Angeles, California, Hannah winds down with a good film or binge worthy TV show.