‘You’ Season 3, Shook to the Core….

Season 3 of You is coming to Netflix on October 15th and it is definitely the most exciting season so far!

Can you believe it, it’s almost that time again where Joe Goldberg tells us the story of his crazy killing unconventional life. Last season, the big shocker was how Love also had her own crazy killing habits and shocked Joe himself to see who he had been with this whole time, someone just like him. This time, it’s different, though, because we see last saw Joe and Love move to the suburbs following the surprising news of their pregnancy, and this season, we get to explore their new life together, in a brand new environment. 

After watching season three, I have to say; it is the best season yet. It’s jam-packed with new relationships and old habits, which take you on a complete rollercoaster ride. Personally, it is fascinating to see how Joe deals with life in the suburbs and being married to someone who is just as killer crazy as he is. It is tense, and it puts you on edge the entire time. The crazy thing about this upcoming season is that it feels like so much happens and makes you constantly question what will happen next. 

In previous seasons, you see Joe as a man who was mostly on his own, and his life revolved around the messes that he created, but this season, Love and a baby have changed his methods of life and his mentality. A big part of this season is looking at how Love and Joe carry themselves and work together as a married couple. It was nice to see them in a new environment and a situation that neither has been in before, which makes everything unfold in some insane ways! 

Season three comes out on Netflix on October 15th, and you’re not going to want to miss it; stay tuned!!!

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Abby Wu

Abby Wu is a senior broadcast journalism major at Emerson College and an intern at Afterbuzz TV. She is obsessed with all things entertainment and hopes to be working in the entertainment industry one day.