New Feuds & Unfinished Business! – After Show of WWE’s SmackDown

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The Unofficial SmackDown After Show recaps, reviews and discusses episodes of WWE’s SmackDown. Every week, tune in for host discussion, recap, and play by plays of the best moments of that week’s Smackdown! With in depth and often entertaining commentary, be sure to subscribe to stay up to date with the world of SmackDown!

*This podcast is not associated or affiliated with World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (“WWE”) in any way.

Following up easily the most unique WrestleMania in history, Smackdown rolls on with debuts, new feuds and some unfinished business.  This week we see the new Universal Champion Braun Strowman take on Nakamura.  Tucker take on Dolph Ziggler with Sonya Deville in his corner.  The debuting Forgotten Sons take on Lucha House Party and The Miz and Morrison try to celebrate their WrestleMania win but don’t get the last word on this weeks ‘Dirt Sheet’.
This weeks Smackdown is hosted by:
Josh Tariff @Josh_Tariff
Gabby Loren @GabbyLorenTV
Tom Connolly @TomtheCalm
Bryant Santos @TheBryantSantos

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