John Green Essential Book-to-Screen Adaptations for Every Mood

In preparation for the Turtles All the Way Down release, here is a John Green Film or TV series for every mood!

What I have coined the “John Green-iverse” is a world that is very special to my heart. You may already know John Green, from his several New York Times best-selling novels or even from the educational content that he makes with his brother Hank on a Youtube channel called “Crash Course.” But did you know that at least half of these best-selling novels have been adapted for the screen and can cater to your every mood? Here is our list of all of these adaptations evaluated to suit your every temperament or desire:

Looking For Alaska (TV series): For when life, loss, or love brings you to an existential crisis

Looking to get a greater life experience than his small town life in Florida, Miles desperately wants to get away. He seeks this concept of a “Great Perhaps” and puts greater emphasis on people’s dying declarations. He goes to an Alabama boarding school where he meets the titular, enigmatic Alaska. To quote a different John Green novel, their romance is like a roller coaster that only goes up…that is until tragedy strikes and Miles must find meaning in great loss.

This series is not for the faint of heart. I simply must advise you to keep a box of tissues handy, but this series is as beautifully made as it is poignant.

Looking For Alaska is available to rent on Amazon Prime and Apple TV+.


The Fault in Our Stars (Film): For when you’re feeling in the mood for romance

Also a tearjerker, this film follows the journey of Hazel Grace as she trails through life with terminal lung cancer. In her support group, she meets Gus, who for better and for worse gives her a second chance at actually living–something that she thought impossible for the longest time.

If you miss the craze from its 2014 release or have been somehow living under a rock, this film will be sure to bring up some nostalgia for the early days of the coming-of-age genre. TFIOS is just about as good as it gets for teen romance, but again, bring on the tissues. Having a good cry is essential self care!

The Fault in Our Stars is available to watch on Max.


Paper Towns (Film): For when you want to get away…from reality

Following Quentin as he searches for love from his childhood crush, Margo, Paper Towns revitalizes the manic pixie dream girl trope that we have seen in other cult classics such as 500 Days (of Summer). We get a glimpse into a young boy just at the cusp of discovering who he is while chasing after this unobtainable fantasy of who he wants to be with. If you’re feeling caught up in the “delulu’s,” or feel like you’re the object of someone else’s wild fantasy, what an introspective opportunity this watch will be!

Paper Towns is available to rent on Amazon Prime and Apple TV+.


Let it Snow (Film): For when you’re tired of crying and need some joy in life!

You heard it here first, kiddos! Christmas is merely 6 months away! And there is no better way to prepare than to celebrate ✶Christmas in June✶.

Let it Snow is an adorable, hilarious holiday film containing three intertwining stories about growing love and growing up, and the challenges that come from deep relationships. If you wanted a happy option, you’ve got it! Let it Snow provides just enough cheer and resolution that you might just be able to sleep at night after the former three options.

Let it Snow is available on Netflix.


About the Author

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Willow Finn

Willow Finn is a Senior at Chapman University studying Television Writing and Production. She is an avid fan of content in all forms, especially those with detailed storytelling and lore. In her free time, you'll find her exploring her other artistic endeavors, thrift-shopping, going to museums, or spending time with her cat, Sinclair.