What We Do In The Shadows S2 E5 Recap & After Show: Colin Robinson Reveals the Monster Within

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The vampire shows we all know and love is back, and it’s become time, yet again, to see! What. They. Do. In. The. Shadows!!!! Join us every week on the WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS AFTERBUZZ TV AFTER SHOW as we break down this comedic masterpiece and quite possibly join the inside tom-foolery. Subscribe and comment to stay up to date!

To the dismay of Colin Robinson (Mark Proksch), he is offered a promotion, and with his new workplace power Colin is able to drain a captive audience. Returning home to find the household changing out the wall art, they dismiss Colin’s chit chat for attempting to drain them. Excluded by his friends, Colin fully embraces his managerial position until it goes to his head.
Nadja (Natasia Demetriou) discovers a painting of her childhood village’s destruction includes Nandor the Relentless (Kayvan Novak), inciting a viscious argument from Nadja, which Colin gleefully feeds on downstairs. After his frenzy, Colin has developed terrifying new abilities, including splitting himself into three Colin Robinsons to hold his roommates hostage and drain them into old age. Unfortunately, the Colins drain each other until the original is back to his old self.
Today’s show was hosted by Kevin Allen and Loren Kling.

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