AFTERBUZZ TV – The Following edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of Fox’s The Following. In this show, hosts Joe Braswell, Joe Sanfelippo, Teresa La, and Nando Velasquez break down the episode “The Fall” in which, while being held captive with Megan, Hardy is able to cause dissension among Emma, Paul and Jacob. Emma sneaks Joey away while Paul and Jacob scuffle with Hardy. She is caught by Weston, who is shot by a local policewoman later revealed to be working with the mysterious “Roderick”. Paul and Jacob are able to escape with the help of other followers disguised as FBI agents. Meanwhile, Claire is also being held by an insane follower who was supposed to take her to see her son. At a remote warehouse, he mentions that Carroll wants her to survive and reveals an attraction for her after years of surveilling her. It is also revealed that Agent Parker’s parents were in a cult, leading to her expert knowledge of the subject. It’s The Following’s “The Fall” podcast!
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