Tehran Von Ghasri breaks down Season 1 Episodes 7 and 8 “Ne Me Quitte Pas” an “Saving Mikaela” of Ramy.
Join us as we follow Ramy’s journey through New York Career, Dating, Experiences, and more as a first generation egyptian-american. We’ll discuss the differences, the similarities, the controversy, and the life of others like him. On the RAMY AFTERBUZZ TV AFTER SHOW, our hosts will discuss each episode and bring you insider info. Subscribe and comment to stay up to date on all things Ramy!
About Ramy: Ramy follows “a first-generation American Muslim who is on a spiritual journey in his politically divided New Jersey neighborhood. It explores the challenges of what it’s like being caught between an Egyptian community that thinks life is a moral test, and a Millennial generation that thinks life has no consequences.”