AFTERBUZZ TV – Jersey Shore edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of MTV’s Jersey Shore. In this show, host Keven “Kwow” Undergaro breaks down the “Where’s the Beach” episode in which Sammi sets out to make amends with Snooki and Deena. A night in the club turns romantic for Jenni when she runs into an old flame named Roger, who may or may not have a girlfriend. Deena gets kicked out within the first five minutes for being too drunk. Mike meets one of the girls he hooked up with last year named Paula and Pauly’s stalker returns and throws a drink at him. The next day Snooki is extremely hung over and has to go to work. After sneaking a couple of drinks she runs off drinking more and more. After a huge crowd appears to watch her creating a scene Snooki is arrested. There to help Kwow are co-hosts Phil “The Thrill” Svitek and Maria “Mookie” Menounos. It’s Jersey Shore’s “Where’s the Beach” episode!
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