Black Monday S:1 339 E:3 Review

Lem Gonsalves and Chae’ Jones break down episode 3 of Black Monday entitled “339” in which Mo attempts to create a bond with Blair; Dawn and Spencer have a lively dinner with Dawn’s parents; Keith finds his secret increasingly difficult to hide.

It’s 1987 and Wall Street’s about to get interesting.

Join us through the hi-jinx driven, time-period comedy Black Monday on the BLACK MONDAY AFTERBUZZ TV AFTERSHOW! We’re breaking down the episodes every. Single. Week. From 365, All the way to 1. With special guests, insider news, and opinionated predictions, we have everything you could need! Subscribe and Comment to stay up to date with all things Black Monday!

A group of outsiders crashes the old-boys’ club of Wall Street and accidentally crashes the world’s largest financial system on October 19,1987.

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