666 Park Avenue S:1 | Hypnos E:9 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

AFTERBUZZ TV – 666 Park Avenue edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of ABC’s 666 Park Avenue. In this episode host Miriam Gonzalez discusses the episode “Hypnos” in which Jane is hurled back in time to October 1927 by the mysterious Maris Elder, who hypnotizes her in an effort to find out where she disappeared down the spiral staircase. Her time travel adventures unlock secrets long hidden in Peter Kramer’s apartment, where his wife was murdered, and shows Jane that her family has a dark legacy that’s tangled with The Drake’s history. There to help Miriam are co-hosts Grant Rutter and Christine Archer. It’s 666 Park Avenue’s “Hypnos” podcast!

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