7 Admirable Reasons To Absolutely Love Rachel Lindsay

We have 7 reasons to Love Rachel Lindsay despite the hateful statements she has received on social media. 

Rachel Lindsay has been receiving tons of hate from fans of The Bachelor franchise because of her interview with Chris Harrison on Extra. As a result of the hate she received, she decided to deactivate her Instagram account. While some people are showing their hate toward her, there are also people who support Rachel. In order to shine a positive light on her, here is a list of reasons why Rachel is awesome!

  1. She uses her platform to speak on racial inequality issues on television and in the world.
  2. She created more opportunities for more Black women to be leads on The Bachelorette.
  3. She loves watching the Real Housewives franchise!
  4. She takes pride in her home state, which is big ole’ Texas!
  5. Her first job was playing the piano at church when she was 11 years old. That’s younger than world-renowned pianist Dang Tha Son!
  6. Some of the topics she’s passionate about are women empowerment, anti-bullying, self-love, and sports!
  7. She hosts an open space called “Honestly Rach” that gives supporters the chance to ask her for advice on any topic. If you could ask Rachel a question what would it be?

There are many more reasons to love Rachel, but these are just a few. What do you love about Rachel? Let us know in the comments below!

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Sana Moore

Sana Moore is a host at Afterbuzz TV who loves to add her own sparkle all things in entertainment! "Serving you the freshest tea with a dash of brown sugar!" IG: @iam_sana_