The New Normal S:1 | Baby Proofing E:11 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

AFTERBUZZ TV – The New Normal edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of NBC’s The New Normal. In this show, host Lauren Leonelli breaks down the “Baby Proofing” episode in which David hires Carla, a baby proofer to make the house safer, but instead of creating a sense of security, it puts a wedge between him and Bryan causing them to bicker. Meanwhile, in the process of decorating the Christmas tree and getting into the holiday spirit, it is revealed that eggnog makes Jane an unusually nice person. Later, Bryan and Jane attend a Hollywood party at the home of Nancy Niles (Marlo Thomas), Los Angeles realtor to the stars, that will turn out to be the boost that Jane has been looking for. There to help Lauren are co-hosts Jake DuPree and Tara Johnson. It’s The New Normal’s “Baby Proofing” podcast!

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